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Last Updated: Tuesday, 26 June 2007, 16:02 GMT 17:02 UK
In Pictures: Flooding in Yorkshire

Catcliffe in South Yorkshire is mostly under water

Torrential rain in Yorkshire has caused severe flooding across large areas. This aerial photograph of Catcliffe near Sheffield shows much of the village is under water.

Sheffield Wednesday's Hillsborough football stadium, under water

Sheffield Wednesday's famous football ground, Hillsborough, looked more like a venue for swimming than football on Tuesday morning.

Drivers use 4x4 vehicles to get through the floods

In Swinton, near Rotherham, drivers used 4x4 vehicles to wade through the high water.

Cars and debris in a flooded road in Sheffield.

Abandoned cars and debris litter a flooded Brightside Lane in Sheffield where hundreds of people were also stranded inside buildings.

Flooding in the Wicker area of Sheffield

A 68-year-old man died when he was washed away getting out of his car in the flooded Wicker area of Sheffield.

A flooded garage on the outskirts of Hull

Another man died in Hull after becoming stuck in a drain. Elsewhere this garage on the outskirts of the city was flooded as water rose.

Traffic on the flooded A63 near Hull

Flooding made travelling by road difficult as shown by this image of traffic making its way through water on the flooded A63 near Hull.

Residents on a flooded road in Beverley

Residents made their way along a flooded road in Beverley with the help of a boat.

A man carries a woman through the water from the River Aire in Leeds

In Leeds, people took whatever measures they could to keep away from the water from the River Aire.

People stranded from their homes walk back to them on Tuesday morning

Many people were stranded away from their homes overnight. These people made their way home along Sheffield's streets early on Tuesday morning.

A dead fish in Brightside Lane, Sheffield

It was not only people who were affected by the flooding in Sheffield. A dead fish lies on the side of Brightside Lane.

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