
Spring flowers freebie

I finally figured out the extraction proccess in Photoshop!! Yay me! LOL Because of that, you get some beautiful flowers to play with. 😉 The white and purple flowers are from pics my daughter took last summer, the rose and Camellia are from a great site I found called Public Domain Pictures. They have some gorgeous photos, and they are all royalty free public domain pics. Check them out here, especially if you are a tagger, there are some pics that would make great backgrounds for tags!

You can find the download link for the flowers below the preview. Enjoy!



2 Responses to “Spring flowers freebie”

  1. March 11, 2008 at 4:10 pm

    Thanx for the very pretty flowers! Today it’s 45 degrees outside and it ALMOST feels like spring after all the snow we’ve had. Isn’t PS grand? I used to tube in PSP but PS is soooooooo much better for extractions!!

  2. 2 Veronika
    March 12, 2008 at 10:28 am

    Danke für die Blumen

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My New Blinkie!

I finally learned how to make a blinkie! Snag it if you want it!

About me

Photobucket My name is Patty, I'm a single mom of 3 beautiful children, live on the Canadian Prairies and just recently started designing my own kits. I would love to see any layouts using my kits! I will post them here, with your permission of course! Send layouts or any questions or comments you may have for me to SHAscraps at gmail dot com (you know what to do ;) )

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check out these other great designers!

Colie's Corner Sweetdigiscraps A Work in Progress Sunshine Studio Scraps Digi'scrapouille Pineapple Plantation Designs Scrapgoo tiptoe.studio

Terms of Use

My terms of use are simple. Personal use and S4O (Scrap for others) only. Don't claim my designs as your own, don't upload to another file sharing site (such as 4shared, MediaFire, RapidShare, etc) and don't make any money from my stuff (because I most certainly am not! ;) ). If you would like to share my kits, please use my preview and a link to my blog. DO NOT LINK DIRECTLY TO MY 4SHARED LINKS, LINK TO MY BLOG PLEASE!


Please contact me at shascraps at gmail dot com and let me know where!! Under no circumstances will any names or contact info of any and all sources be revealed to anyone!! Thank you for your help!!


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