"I love the look of a tan but I've sworn off tanning beds during pregnancy, since I've heard they can raise my body temperature to a level that's unsafe for my baby. How about self-tanners — are they okay to use?"

You’re wise to eschew tanning beds, booths and sunbathing during pregnancy (and frankly, anytime). Exposure to UV rays can cause premature aging and skin cancer, so play it safe and protect your skin.

As for over-the-counter self-tanners, or sunless tanners, the jury’s still out on whether they’re 100 percent safe to use during pregnancy, so you'll want to check in with your practitioner first.

Because these products are still relatively new to the market, there haven’t been any long-term studies on how they might affect a developing fetus. And even though most experts suspect little (if any) of the active ingredient in self-tanners — dihydroxyacetone, or DHA — penetrates the skin, without conclusive proof, your practitioner will probably encourage you to follow the old "better safe than sorry" approach.

There’s another great reason you might want to shelve that self-tanner until after you deliver: Your pregnancy hormones might cause your skin to react differently than you’d like (did somebody say orange?). Plus, with that ever-expanding belly of yours, an even application might be trickier than you think (you could end up striped, blotchy or both!). If you're still craving a healthy glow, consider a light dusting of bronzing powder instead.

Here’s to a radiant pregnancy!


Heidi Murkoff