Data privacy information by Astrodienst

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Data you enter on this website will be used exclusively for its function and will not be passed on to third parties. You can delete your data at any time in "My Astro".

By using our services, you agree to the Astrodienst Privacy Policy.

Step 1: Birth Data Entry


Birth Date Entry

Please, enter day, month, and year of birth.

When entering a year, you can usually omit the two first digits of the year number. E.g., a year value "79" will be interpreted as "1979".

Extended Settings

Time zone Image

If you activate this checkbox, enter a valid date, time and place, a time zone worldmap will be shown at the bottom. The birth place is marked on the map with information about the Universal Time and the time zone of the place for the given birth date and time.

Clicking on the time zone map image, a help page will appear which explains more details of the time zone map, and reveals some secrets for special data entry requirements. Please try it out.

Manual Time Zone Selection

Usually, it is not necessary and not recommended to select the time zone manually, because this computer program knows which time zones apply to which places for what times, and has complete information about daylight saving time.

In some very rare cases a user may have better information about time zones and daylight saving time than the database used here. For example, there are areas of doubt for some years in Vietnam, and for many parts of the former Soviet Union.

In such cases it may be necessary to select a manual time zone in the pull-down list. To return to automatic time zone, please select "automatic time zone" in the list.

Gender of your partner in single-person horoscopes
The text of all horoscopes is worded according to the gender you have entered in the data entry form. In all partner horoscopes, the computer knows the gender of both partners, and therefore chooses the correct wording for partner references.

Some text in single-person horoscopes contains partner references, too. The default setting of the computer assumes that your partner is of the opposite sex. You can change this setting so that all partner references are worded according to a relationship with a person of the same gender.

To do this, please use the checkbox next to this glyph. If you activate this checkbox, all partner references will be set to 'partner of the same gender'.

This setting will be kept permanently in your natal data record on this server. It affects all available single-person horoscopes in which your partner is mentioned in a gender-dependent way. The setting also extends to orders via Astroshop. For example, there is a chapter 'Relationship Patterns' in the Psychological Horoscope, which will then automatically choose the correct wording for your partner's gender.

The special setting we have discussed here is effective only for single-person horoscopes. It has no function in two-person horoscopes where the actual gender of both partners is known.