
The Party of European Socialists

We bring together the Socialist, Social Democratic and Labour Parties of the European Union and shape progressive policies.

Our members
Nicolas Schmit website

Our common candidate Nicolas Schmit

Get more information on our campaign on Nicolas Schmit’s website

Campaign website

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PES calls out Turkish authorities on antidemocratic removal of co-Mayor Mehmet Sıddık Akış

PES calls out Turkish authorities on antidemocratic removal of co-Mayor Mehmet Sıddık Akış

The Party of European Socialists (PES) rejects the arbitrary and antidemocractic removal of co-Mayor of Hakkari Mehmet Sıddık Akış. Akış, from our Kurdish associate member…

Socialist and social-democratic Greater Region mayors support Nicolas Schmit

Socialist and social-democratic Greater Region mayors support Nicolas Schmit

On 3 June more than 45 mayors of the Greater Region of Luxembourg, Lorraine, Saarland, and Wallonia signed a declaration to support PES Common Candidate…

Henri Nallet

PES saddened by the death of Henri Nallet

The Party of European Socialists is deeply saddened to learn about the death of Henri Nallet, a former Vice President of the PES and a…

Housing Minister Germany

Ministers take stock of measures on housing at European level and discuss priorities for the next mandate

Convening online, ministers from the Party of European Socialists (PES) took stock of current action on housing at European level and exchanged on priorities in…

PES Common Candidate Nicolas Schmit speaking at the EBU Eurovision Debate in the European Parliament, 23 May 2024

Values, not vote-counting, must define majority in the new European Parliament

Europe’s socialists and democrats will never accept any alliance with ECR. That would break-up the pro-European forces in the European Parliament and radically change Europe’s…

Democracy, Justice, Rule of Law
VOX in Madrid

The far-right has crossed the line of decency in Madrid

Lies and insults have no place at political events ahead of the European Elections, the Party of European Socialists said after Argentinian President Javier Milei…

Democracy, Justice, Rule of Law
PES rejects illegal ruling against Selahattin Demirtaş and HDP

PES rejects illegal ruling against Selahattin Demirtaş and HDP

The Party of European Socialists (PES) openly rejects the ruling by a Turkish court against Selahattin Demirtaş and 23 other politicians from our associate party…

Democracy, Justice, Rule of Law
Frans Timmermans Bas Eickhout

Netherlands: PES condemns EPP and Liberals for enabling far-right government

Nationalist Geert Wilders has come to power in the Netherlands thanks to a deal with EPP and Liberal parties. The agreement ushers in the most…

File photo: Prime Minister of Slovakia Robert Fico

PES profoundly shocked by shooting of Robert Fico

The Party of European Socialists today condemns the terrible and shocking attack on Prime Minister of Slovakia Robert Fico. Prime Minister Fico was shot in…



More events
9 Jun

PES election night

What we fight for

Europe needs to overcome inequality, fight for tax justice, tackle the
threat of climate change, harness the digital revolution, ensure a fair
agricultural transformation, manage migration better.
  • Employment, Social Affairs & Health

    In our electoral programme, we said it loud and clear: our top priority is that Europeans, women and men, must have a decent job that allows good quality of life. We fight for a Europe that leaves no-one behind. Through education, training and social programmes when needed, everyone should be given a chance at a good life. More about Employment, Social Affairs & Health
  • Energy & Environment

    The PES stands for a sustainable, energy-efficient and environmentally aware Europe. We stand for an ambitious European Green Deal: the EU must be at the forefront of protecting nature and its resources and the fight against pollution and climate change.
    More about Energy, Environment & Climate Change
  • Economy & Finance

    We believe that the economy must always serve society, and not the other way round. Throughout the 2008 financial crisis, and the 2019 coronavirus pandemic, we’ve been fighting for investment in jobs, growth-inducing sectors and people – and in particular youth – as a crucial element to bring about a sustainable economic recovery. The fight is far from over, but we’ve managed to bring about a shift in European policy, bringing the EU slowly back on track. More about Economy & Finance
  • Youth & Education

    Together with its partners, the PES has launched a major campaign to put young people’s issues at the top of the EU agenda: UpToYouth. This campaign builds on the PES European Youth Plan, which focused on improving the prospects of young people across Europe. We want action on young people’s priorities: climate change, tackling youth unemployment, access to quality education, healthcare for all, and decent housing. More about Youth & Education
  • Equality

    We are a feminist party, which fights for equal rights and opportunities for all women, men and non-binary people. Gender equality and LGBTI rights are crucial for well-functioning democracies, and any form of discrimination is unacceptable in our modern European societies. More about Equality
  • Democracy & Human Rights

    Enhancing European democracy is one of our main priorities. We want to engage the public and policy makers around three main pillars: fundamental rights, accountability, and participation. More about Democracy & Human Rights
  • Future of Europe

    Europe’s future belongs to all of us. That’s why it must work for everyone, reflecting the needs and aspirations of all our citizens. A Europe that works for the people. We are fighting for a resilient European Union, with stronger institutions that are better connected with citizens. We want an EU which meets future challenges and delivers the more social and sustainable Europe citizens want. More about Future of Europe
  • International Affairs & Cooperation

    The PES is working for a better world. Europe has a major role to play on the international scene and must show its commitment to a just, democratic, peaceful and sustainable world. The PES works with progressive international partners to support this vision in Europe, its neighbourhood, and beyond. More about International Affairs & Cooperation
  • Security & Justice

    The security and safety of all citizens in Europe is a key priority. Together with our Justice and Home Affairs Ministers, representatives from our parties and partners, we’re pushing for an agenda that prioritises the security of all citizens hand in hand with social and integration policies, always with full respect of individual and collective rights. More about Security & Justice

Our members and governments


Full member parties


Associated members


Observer members


PES Women promoting gender equality and women’s rights

PES Women is the women’s organisation of the Party of European Socialists (PES) promoting gender equality and women’s rights both inside and outside the party.

PES Women website

PES activists fight for a fairer Europe

PES Activists are the grassroots of the socialist and social democratic family.

More about PES activists


Party of European Socialists

Party of European Socialists


We are the Party of European Socialists. We work for a Europe with more economic justice, sustainability, non-discrimination and equality between women and men.

🇧🇪 This Sunday #belgium going to the polls to vote for the European elections and also to elect its federal and regional parliaments.🌹 We stand with our sister parties Parti Socialiste (PS) and Vooruit a better Belgium that works for all!Photo: Melissa Depraetere See MoreSee Less
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🇲🇹 We wish a good Sette Giugno to our Maltese friends! Partit Laburista See MoreSee Less
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The future of Europe is in your hands. Vote!#EP2024 Nicolas Schmit See MoreSee Less
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