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Рийс Гилмор е жена, оцеляла в брутално престъпление и търси спокойствие в малко градче в Уайоминг. Един ден, докато се наслаждава на великолепна гледка в планината, вижда на отсрещния бряг на дива планинска река как мъж и жена се скарват, сбиват и накрая мъжът поваля жената, като ръцете му се сключват около врата й.
Когато полицията оглежда мястото, не се откриват следи - нито от борба, нито от прясно изровена пръст. Няма дори следи от автомобилни гуми.
И никой не вярва на Рийс...

528 pages, Paperback

First published July 11, 2006

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About the author

Nora Roberts

1,770 books53.5k followers
Nora Roberts is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of more than 200 novels, including Hideaway, Under Currents, Come Sundown, The Awakening, Legacy, and coming in November 2021 -- The Becoming -- the second book in The Dragon Heart Legacy. She is also the author of the futuristic suspense In Death series written under the pen name J.D. Robb. There are more than 500 million copies of her books in print.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,734 reviews
Profile Image for  A. .
1,162 reviews4,877 followers
November 11, 2018
Somewhere between 3 and 4 stars

Quite enjoyable. Heavier on romance than on suspense for most of the book.

Loved the small-town setting with all its quirks and follies though I wasn't too invested in the characters.

The heroine was annoying as hell but she grew some backbone eventually and thankfully didn't ruin too much of the book for me. The hero was likable enough.

The story was interesting but the mystery was a bit weak. I guessed the killer right from the beginning. The author gave him too much attention in my opinion.
Profile Image for Fareya.
304 reviews908 followers
June 1, 2017
Sometimes, when I can't decide what to read next, I just pick up one of Nora Roberts' romantic suspense novels and I am never disappointed. Nora sure knows how to leave her readers satisfied. Angels Fall is one of those exceptionally well written, engaging NR style thriller with just the right pace, fast enough to keep one interested, but taking its time to build up the plot and characters.

Based in a picturesque little town at the foot of the Grand Tetons, the story revolves around Reece Gilmore, a survivor from Boston. Desperately trying to cope up with the after shocks of a traumatic event, Reece has been on the road for a while. One day she stumbles in a small Wyoming town. Charmed by the majestic mountains surrounding it and the fresh, crisp air she decides to stay for sometime. She takes up the job of a cook at a local diner and works towards getting on with her life.

One day while hiking on a mountain trail, she witnesses a man strangling a woman down by the river. Reece reports the crime, but when the authorities investigate, they find nothing. No signs of struggle, no trace that anyone was even there. As she is a newcomer, emotionally fragile with a reputation of being skittish, nobody in town believes her, except for a reclusive loner and writer, Brody.

Its an engrossing mystery-romance. The character development is remarkable. Reece, even though vulnerable and and a bit paranoid, manages to hold her ground and works on getting stronger, more confident and is also making friends in town. The way she coped by keeping a clear head for the most part with all the mind games that the killer was playing on her was impressive. Brody, even though some what pushy was exactly what Reece needed. Beneath his hard exterior and grumpiness he is a kind and caring person. The chemistry between Reece and Brody was amazing and very believable which is usually not the case in most romance stories.

With entertaining secondary characters, witty dialogues, small town drama and a murder involved, Angels Fall is a captivating read. The lush descriptions of the mountains, the lake and the natural scenery in general was like a virtual brief vacation in the Grand Tetons. Overall a solid romantic suspense novel and a satisfying read. Nothing less than what I expect out of a Nora Roberts book.
Profile Image for Brenda.
4,470 reviews2,855 followers
March 30, 2023
Reece Gilmore's only reason for stopping in Angel's Fist was her car deciding it didn't want to go any further. Leaving it with the mechanic, her wanderings took her to Joanie's Cafe and the "help wanted" sign. Before long, Reece had a job as a cook in the cafe, and her experience in Boston as a chef, saw her in good stead. Reece was fragile after the brutal crime which almost killed her in Boston. The only survivor with twelve others killed, Reece's nightmares and anxiety attacks had lessened, but she still had fears she was trying to conquer.

Reece's first day off saw her hiking into the mountains which surrounded Angel's Fist. The beauty of the surrounds had Reece in awe, and when she reached the top she sat to catch her breath, looking all around at the scenery. But the vision which caught her eye shocked her to the core, and she stumbled down the mountain side and straight into the arms of Brody, reclusive writer. Together they checked what she'd seen, but there was nothing to see any longer. And when the local sheriff could find no evidence, Reece's frustration saw her turning to the one person who did believe her. Brody would help Reece - especially with the menacing things happening to her. Someone wanted her gone, but they needed to find the killer. Could they do it?

Angel's Fall by Nora Roberts is an intense, gripping romantic suspense novel which I had trouble putting down. The small town of Angel's Fist was the same as most small towns - everyone knew everyone's business, and it wasn't long before Reece's past was known. But she made friends, although many thought she was having a breakdown. Good, strong characters are Ms Roberts' forte, and this one was no exception. An excellent read which I highly recommend.
March 28, 2022
My experience with NR actually started with this book. Well, technically it was the adaptation of this book. In fact, I was a kid when I watched the movie on tv and I was so intrigued by the book itself.

Fast forward a decade and so later, here I am.

Reece is a mass shooting survivor and seeking for a job in a small lakeside town in Wyoming. She wasn't fully healed from the ordeal when one day she witnessed a murder. However, when the police checked out the site, there was no trace of any killing happened.

While some people were trying to discredit her, Brody, a mystery/thriller writer believed in her and trying alongside her to discover the mystery of the suspected murder.

Okay, now onto my favourite part of the book, which maybe a little controversial. The hero. Brody is not your typical NR hero (at least from my five books experience). He's almost unlikable in some way.

He's insensitive, brusque, rude, and in a way he would've preferred, callous.

“I was in a psych ward for three months. Being called a maniac doesn’t hurt my feelings.”
“Maybe you should’ve given it a few more weeks.”

“That’s the first time I’ve kissed a man in two years.”
“No wonder you’re crazy...”

But damn if that doesn't make him interesting in my head.

"You told me once before you were hot for neurotics.”
“Yeah, I did. Not only is there a difference between hysteria and neurosis, I’ve decided you’re not neurotic enough for me. So I’m just going to use you until something better comes along.”

Now onto some of the downside of this book. The mystery is really not up to par in comparison to newer NR works (and her J.D. Robb ones). It's so easy and the guilty party is so obvious I want to shake everyone's head for being so blind.
Profile Image for ♥Sharon♥.
978 reviews142 followers
April 24, 2019

Tulips were her favorite flower. I love them too!

I enjoyed this one. The narrator was good but not great. It took me a little while to warm up to her.

Enjoyable characters. Reese and Brody were a great match. And the secondary characters were fun too.

I did figure out the bad guy somewhere in the middle but it didn't take away from the story at all.

Profile Image for Cyndi.
2,385 reviews102 followers
August 13, 2017
Not my favorite of the great Nora. Of course its still Nora so...
I think its the characters that bothered me. I liked Reese. Not loved because I kept thinking she should just leave Angel's Fist. But, hey, no story then.
Her good points were many topped off with a love of cooking. Not my favorite thing to do, so anyone who wants to cook for me is my friend. 🍔😋
As for Brody? Didn't like him in the beginning and barely liked him in the end. Did I mention she liked to cook? Why did it take him so long to fall in love? His way of handling her panic attacks was to tell her to stop? Reese, you can do better!
He tells her they can move to another town, then in the end he plans to buy the cabin and stay in Angels Fist. Small town, she is going to have some people against her because of who the murderer is. Move on, Reese!
Profile Image for Mimi.
721 reviews209 followers
July 17, 2018
Not bad, but also not good either.

I mean, there are good parts, but they’re offset by little things I find annoying and there were a lot of these little things which accumulated at the end. So it was a bumpy read. The Montana setting and vivid descriptions of a small town sitting at the foot of the Grand Tetons were a nice touch though, and the main character was sympathetic. Easily my favorite part of the whole book was the setting. Everything else was mostly filler.

A couple of weeks ago my neighbor got a new job out of state and I “inherited” her library. Normally this would be exciting–I love sorting through books–but this time, not so much. She and I don’t have much in common book-wise, and her collection consists of fiction, lots of mysteries and thrillers and quite a few romances. All contemporaries and not a single sci-fi or fantasy in the bunch. All huge door-stoppers too. Majority of these will go to charity because I have my own pile of similar fiction that I still haven’t been able to chip at no matter how much I avoid it try.

Anyhow. I now have a huge stash of Nora Roberts books and it’s been a real–chore?–experience sorting through them.

I went into this book expecting–well, hoping–it’s like The Witness which was a pleasant surprise and I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. This book has a similar set-up: small town, picturesque backdrop, lots of wilderness, nosy busy-body townsfolk, protagonist with a traumatic past who is on her own, and a murder mystery plot in the background. What’s different from The Witness is the uneven pacing and utterly unlikable love interest who is actually quite an ass. This turned out to be the sticking point with me because I could not get over how much of an ass he was. Moreover, I could not see what she saw in him, and so I couldn’t get into the story whenever he appeared, being all ass-like.

More on this book in particular when I get home.

* * * * *

I’m home now, but still don’t have much to say about this book. Maybe with a little more time it’ll come to me. For now though, all I can say is this book makes me angry, and not in a good way, because the set-up is good and there is so much potential for the rest of the book to be good. But unfortunately Nora Roberts had to go and be all Nora Roberts all over the damn book. I wouldn’t say she ruined it, because I’ve read worse, but she got very close. So much potential, all wasted.

*angry muttering*

It could have been SO GOOD.

Originally posted at https://covers2covers.wordpress.com/2...
Profile Image for SB*needs low angst books*.
344 reviews199 followers
July 11, 2016
This was a really good story. I enjoyed the heroine Reece and the hero Brody. I got the audiobook version and I thought the narrator did a decent job telling the story.

Reece is a trained chef who survived a horrible attack and had many mental issues she dealt with afterward which after such an event is understandable.

Brody is a writer that has lived in the town after he quit a newspaper job and has become a novelist. He is blunt, a loner and observant. He doesn't coddle but does care when he lets someone in but isn't a super romantic type of guy but it fits the heroine.

In this story, Reece is going across country on a journey to try to keep healing and find herself again. She stops in a town called Angels Fist and her car breaks down. Her money is running low and decides on whim to take a cook position at a local diner and meets many of the townspeople including the hero, Brody. On a hike, she witnesses a murder and runs and bumps into hero Brody who she tells what she sees and they report it.

After this happens, the townspeople find out her history and doubts of her sanity are planted in the minds of some while her she is having things happen to her that make her think so too. Brody and her boss Jodie help keep her steady thru all the rumors and things that begin happening to her. Her and Brody start trying to solve the case while they get closer and they develop a more serious relationship.

I enjoyed watching their relationship develop and the mystery unfold. I loved Brody personally because I loved his matter a fact ways but loved that he cared. I loved Reece and loved her trying to overcome and succeeding.

I didn't like the secondary characters Lo and Linda Gail relationship development. I really felt Linda Gail was super immature. Her comment about him being a whore was stupid especially when you want to marry him. I mean really. And her ways to get him just annoyed me. This part is what brought it down for me.

Profile Image for Glamdring.
505 reviews121 followers
July 4, 2014
*Buddy read with Blacky <3<3<3*

*4,5 stars*

Another great romantic suspense by Nora Roberts. I loved everything, the characters, the build up and the general plot.

The characters:
Reece is the only survivor of a traumatic event, she's roaming the country doing small jobs trying to find her way back to a "normal" life. Before that she was a successful chef. Because of what happened to her she's fragile, but mostly she's strong and I loved her temper tantrum.
Brody is a reclusive writer. He's snarky, borderline rude, commitment shy, but mostly he just speaks his mind and I l o v e d him.
I loved their conversations and how Brody always believed Reece and how despite his cantankerous nature he always stood up for her. I also loved how he reacted when Reece was having her panic attacks.

The secondary characters were interesting too.

The build up:
Be it for the romance or the suspense, the built up has the perfect pace. Not too fast, not too slow.

The plot:
I have to admit that the killer was so obvious that I dismissed him from the beginning. Because of that, I kept guessing the whole book about his identity.

"I've put you to a lot of trouble today," she began.
"Damn right you have. Get in."
She stopped, and gratitude warred with insult, outrage and exhaustion. Gratitude lost. "You're a rude, insensitive, insulting son of a bitch."
He leaned back on his car. "And your point is?"
"And, just FYI. Guys can't be snippy. We're physiologically incapable of snippiness. Next time use callous. That works."
"You're an irritating, confusing man." But she climbed in the car.
"That works, too."


Profile Image for Leo.
4,564 reviews487 followers
November 3, 2021
3.7 stars. Didn't quite love it but I'm finding I'm really enjoying reading some Nora Roberts here and there. They have a bit of suspenseful, bit of romance/fluff and quite pleasant to read. Not an intense reading experience but more of a bit of a relaxing read when ai don't feel for chick lit, cozy mystery or middle grade
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for NMmomof4.
1,603 reviews4,361 followers
August 29, 2023
3.5 Stars

Opinion Breakdown
The Good: The premise, the gaslighting and suspense, the characters.

The Not-So-Good: The lack of time on page between the conflict resolution and the end. The sexual chemistry and scenes.

The Bad: The ending and mediocre closure for the couple.

Overall: This was entertaining, but it won't be finding its home on my favorites shelf. I liked the mystery and the gaslighting, and the romance didn't take a super back burner (pun intended 😉) which I did appreciate, but I guess I just wanted more. I wanted to have some time after the mystery was solved to see some people in the town grovel for thinking the h was crazy, and I also wanted more closure for the couple. I'm going with a little bit more than "just okay" 3 stars for my rating.

Brief Summary of the Storyline: This is Reece and Brody's story. Reece is on the run from life after surviving a tragedy and she finds herself in a small Wyoming town working as a cook in a diner. She meets Brody, who is also a non-native murder mystery writer. When Reece witnesses a murder she quickly learns that nobody but Brody really believes her. She also has some episodes that has her questioning her own sanity. There is a good bit of suspense, some romance, and some small town scenes...and they get a HFN ending.

Point Of View (POV): This alternated between focusing mainly on Reece and Brody in 3rd person narrative and some parts focused on side characters.

Overall Pace of Story: Good. I never skimmed and I thought it flowed well.

Instalove: No, they take a while to develop stronger feelings (though hers felt a little rushed)

H (Hero) rating: 3.5 stars. Brody. I liked him except when he had his moments of commitment-phobia.

h (heroine) rating: 4 stars. Reece. I liked her. I appreciated her strength even though she didn't feel like she was strong.

Sadness level: Low, no tissues needed

Push/Pull: Yes

Heat level: Alright. They have some tension and scenes -- but not so much it takes away from the story and not much sexual chemistry.

Descriptive sex: Yes and no, not super descriptive

OW (Other Woman)/OM (Other Man) drama: No

Sex scene with OW or OM: No

Cheating: No

Separation: No

Possible Triggers: Yes

Closure: This ends in a good place for the mystery but not enough for the romance for me. I would call it a HFN ending

Safety: This one should be Safe for most safety gang readers
Profile Image for Kogiopsis.
777 reviews1,586 followers
June 11, 2011
I never expected much from Nora Roberts. After I was coerced convinced to try one by a friend, I picked up the unremarkable Time and Again and was, shall we say, less than impressed. Cordina's Crown Jewel (Cordina, #4) was an improvement; Morrigan's Cross was a misery. After four books, I had only a slightly better understanding of why people liked them so much. I never expected to give one of her novels five stars.

Well, Angels Fall deserved every one of them. Everything I disliked about the other books was better in this one. The asshole heroes of Time and Again can't hold a candle to smart, reclusive, caring Brody. Neither can the heroines match talented, strong, clever Reece. And the chemistry between them - well. Not long ago, the fellows at Writing Excuses did an episode on romance with a guest author, and she told them that a good couple needed to complete each other. Reece and Brody absolutely do. But the best part? They're not cheesy. Their relationship, their dialogue, everything feels completely natural.

I'll get back to Reece and Brody in a moment, because I want to talk about the plot. Damn, that was a fun mystery! I admit, I guessed wrong - even though I should have known better. I guessed wrong and the real killer was, to quote Writing Excuses again, "surprising but inevitable". The climax was tense and awesome, and the buildup was genuinely scary. I thought Reece was going crazy. I really did. And that freaked me out a bit, but mostly just added wonderful to the tension.

And speaking of wonderful... the writing in this book just sparkled. I actually laughed, four or five times even! Lines like this:
"Well, I'd have more zing with George Clooney and Harrison Ford in a threesome, but neither of us are going to get that wish."
How could anyone not laugh at that?

I was worried, as a Westerner, that the characters in this book wouldn't sound like they belonged in Wyoming. Well, they absolutely do. My favorite was Joanie, the sharp-tongued entrepreneur who becomes Reece's boss, but all the rest of the characters were spot-on too. The little details, even - at one point Roberts mentions a beer called Buttface Amber, and she didn't make that up. You can really get it out here. It was a nice little touch.

Okay, back to Reece and Brody.
God, Brody. He couldn't have been any hotter unless he was a wizard. (No one knocks Numair off the Throne of Hotness; sorry.) I mean, damn. First off, he's an author, which probably appeals to most female readers right away. Second, while he at first seems cantankerous and possibly rude, he's a softie at heart - as he aptly demonstrated with his patience and his faith in Reece. Third, and perhaps most important, he doesn't think with his libido. When Reece asks him to stop, he stops; and unlike other Roberts heroes, he doesn't think of her sexually from the moment they meet. In fact, mostly when he thinks of Reece he thinks of her strength and her passion for her work. Watching him fall in love with her is just beautiful.

As for Reece herself, well... I was worried she'd be a doormat, especially since she comes with some heavy emotional baggage. My worries were wholly unfounded. Reece is a pistol! She is, as Brody works to convince her, astonishingly strong. She is also very responsible and mature. Case in point:
"What do you want, Reece?"
"To push rewind, I guess. But since I can't, to deal with the consequences."
This girl is awesome.
She really needed Brody, but not in an annoying sappy way - she needed someone who would believe in her, not pity her, treat her like an ordinary person and not something fragile. She also needed someone to respect her for her strength, and Brody was both. Through letting herself get close to him, she freed herself of a fear of losing someone she loved - and though I won't spoil, that fear was replaced by kickass determination.

Two final things:
If you like Coldplay, put on a big playlist of their music to listen to while reading this. It's pretty much perfect, I think, and Yellow is totally Reece and Brody's song.

I wondered before I started this why it had recipes in the back, and now I know: it will make you hungry. Have a snack or a drink to hand. (I went through a bottle of water, half a bag of Goldfish, a chocolate bar, and dinner.)

Vinaya, recommend me more please?
Profile Image for Jackie.
792 reviews36 followers
August 8, 2019
I just couldn’t get into this book
Profile Image for Karla.
987 reviews1,103 followers
June 13, 2012
3 Stars! Not bad, but after listening to The Witness and being blown away by the narrator, plot and characters, this one didn't quite measure up. It took me a while to get used to the "voice" that was narrating this story, and I wonder if I had "read" the book, would I have enjoyed it more...I'm not sure.

The plot was intriguing, but at mid-point I guessed who the killer was. Nora Roberts tried so hard to direct your attention to another character and make it obvious it was him, that it was obvious it was not...does that make any sense?? I also had issue with how mean and blunt everyone was towards Reece, the woman who believed she witnessed a murder and was the survivor of a VERY traumatic event. I know they were doing the "tough love" thing with her, but it came off nasty and not at all loving. Brody, her love interest got better over time, but initially I didn't care for him at all. And Joanie, her know-it-all boss...blech!!! I couldn't stand her!! Again, was it the "voice"? All I could picture was this wrinkled old woman with cigarette in her hand, rasping out commands and insults at Reece! This contradicted her character description as a business savvy, BEAUTIFUL woman!! Not the way I saw it, or rather heard it!

Not my favorite read, but not horrible either. I like Nora Roberts style, love the audiobook format and look forward to reading and listening to more of her books.
Profile Image for Cheesecake.
2,812 reviews441 followers
February 19, 2022
I was a couple chapters in when I realized I've seen a made for TV movie of this. It was pretty cheesy, but I remember enjoying it.
It has an old school flavour I love now and then.

Anyways, the book can only be better, I hope ; )


Of course the books is better, duh.
Heather Locklear couldn't act her way out of a paper bag.

I listened to the audiobook and the reader was pretty good.

Unfortunately I remembered who the villain was but I thought NR did a good job keeping the reader on their toes.
Reece is driving to get away from her traumatic past when her car breaks down in Angel's Fist... yup that's the name of the town.
She gets a job as a short order cook and tries to find her feet as a city girl in a small town.
Just as she's getting comfortable she witnesses a murder.

Small town gossip and cruel gaslighting squeeze the joy out of Reece's life but she's done running.
...and it doesn't hurt that the other city transplant, Brody, seems to love more than her cooking.

There's a side romance that was kinda cringeworthy... thank goodness Brody is a decent guy.

The ending was a bit tooo much monologuing by the villain, and I would have liked to have SOMEONE in the town say sorry for doubting her. But the epilogue is just her and Brody and a quick overview of the fallout.
Still the action was decent and the pacing was good. NR is a hit or miss for me, but this one was a hit.
I really liked how NR treated her heroine. She felt like a regular person with good intentions, but not perfect.

Safety is fine.
Profile Image for Mo.
1,382 reviews2 followers
April 23, 2016
Another fine read from this author. 4.5 stars.

The sole survivor of a brutal crime back East, Reece Gilmore settles in Angel’s Fall, Wyoming—temporarily, at least—and takes a job at a local diner. One day, while hiking in the mountains, she peers through her binoculars and sees a couple arguing ... suddenly, the man is on top of the woman, his hands around her throat…

By the time Reece reaches a gruff loner named Brody farther down the trail, the pair is gone. And when authorities comb the area where she saw the attack, they find no trace that anyone was even there.

No one in Angel’s Fall seems to believe Reece—except Brody, despite his seeming impatience and desire to keep her at arm’s length. When a series of menacing events makes it clear that someone wants her out of the way, Reece must put her trust in Brody—and herself—to find out if there is a killer in Angel’s Fall, before it’s too late. (less)

There was a rough, rugged look about him with a scruff of beard over rawboned features ...

There was a Lifetime movie made about the book. This guy was cast as Brody, which I can totally appreciate. Heather Locklear was cast as Reece, which I can totally NOT get. No way is she going to be my Reece. LOL.

Spooky woman with those big, doe-in-the thicket eyes. Pretty though, and she'd probably edge up to sexy with another ten pounds.

Wouldn't you love to give away the extra 10 lbs you have to some needing individual!!

I was second guessing to the end. Did not have a clue who the bad guy was. NR is good at setting your mind in a certain direction ... you suspect someone but it turns out that you are completely wrong.

Mists flowed along the ground, she noted, thin as tissue paper, and the lake still as glass ...

That part of the country sounded beautiful. The Tetons. Might get to visit there one fine day!

"You're a rude, insensitive, insulting son of a bitch."

Will be checking out more by Ms Roberts. But might just stick with her Suspense books.
Profile Image for Vinaya.
185 reviews2,113 followers
April 2, 2011
It seems fitting to conclude Nothing But Nora Week with my absolute favourite Nora book of all time. Why do I like Angels Fall so much? Maybe because it is inspired by my two favourite psychological thrillers, Gaslight and Rear Window. I've watched both movies a million times, but I still get that goosebump-ey feeling as the dénouement approaches.

Reece Gilmore lands up in the little Wyoming town of Angels Fist while she's running away from the ghosts of her past. She finds a job as a short-order cook in a diner and slowly begins to settle down when she becomes a witness to a murder in a remote spot. Reece's claim regarding the murder are dismissed by the town sheriff when he can find no evidence of such an attack taking place, and her credibility is further compromised by her troubled emotional state. Her only firm ally is reclusive writer Brody, whom she teams up with to prove that she is not deranged, and that a murder really DID take place as claimed.

Angels Fall was, for me, a very different book from the run-of-the-mill romantic suspense/thrillers I've read so far. Reece is a great character, troubled, disturbed and clinging onto sanity by a thread. The plot is fast-paced and thrilling. The mind-games that the murderer plays with Reece are chilling and satisfyingly convoluted. And the final dénouement is everything a whodunnit fan could ask for.

All-in-all, this is a book that is definitely worth reading, for all fans of romantic suspense. To be honest, I kind of skipped over the romance part quite a bit because I was so caught up in the story, but for the not-so-jaded, the romance between Brody and Reece is definitely sigh-inducing. Must. Read.

On a side note, I'm told the TV movie of this book is crappy, so you might want to avoid that...

Nothing But Nora Week, Book 7
Profile Image for Lisa Kay.
924 reviews523 followers
May 24, 2011

Five full stars! ★★★★★ I love books about chefs! Whether they are romances or mysteries; I just love the culinary theme (guess this explains my fascination with the Food Network!). Put the three together, and Wow! I’ve never been a huge Nora Roberts fan (though I do like her writing as J.D. Robb); nevertheless, I’ve picked up one or two of her books over the years and enjoyed them.

However, I’ve always liked Heather Locklear (I swear my sister-in-law could be her twin). Ms. Locklear starred in the wonderful 2007 “made-for-TV-movie” adaptation of Ms. Roberts’ Angels Fall and I really relished it. When I saw this volume available from my library on audio download, I went for it. I am glad I did! Wow! It was even better than the movie (isn’t the book always better?)!

Well worth the read – or listen!

P.S. Almost forgot: Joyce Bean does an excellent job of narrating the audiobook!
Angels Fall by Nora Roberts
Profile Image for Maria Clara.
1,092 reviews608 followers
October 3, 2015
Bueno, más bien es un tres y medio. No he leído muchos libros de esta autora, pero los pocos que han pasado por mis manos me han parecido mejores. La historia está bien, el tema muy bien tratado, pero he encontrado que faltaba algo más de suspense. De los personajes no puedo decir nada, salvo que me han parecido muy bien definidos.
Profile Image for Beth.
1,180 reviews146 followers
September 20, 2021
Quite good. I’m probably giving it a bit more leeway than I’d normally give because it makes me want to go on vacation somewhere beautiful - and also eat classic home-cooked food at the same time - and also because that intrusive point of view Roberts often employs is barely present. I liked this. Impressively, in a book about claustrophobia and also small towns, the small town itself did not feel claustrophobic.

PS: Can’t say I find fresh dill to be the be-all and end-all so many cooks consider it to be.

PPS: Joanie-the-owner-of-half-the-town is great.
Profile Image for Lauren.
2,395 reviews160 followers
March 30, 2022
Angels Fall
4 Stars

In the aftermath of a traumatic event, Reese Gilmore is on a journey of healing and self-discovery when she arrives in the small town of Angel's Fist and finds herself putting down stakes. Life seems to be looking up for Reese until she witnesses a brutal murder while hiking in the mountains. Reese's past and a lack of evidence at the crime scene lead the police and many of the townsfolk to question Reese's account, but local author, Jamison Brody, is convinced and the two join forces to uncover the truth.

As this book is a re-read, I decided to listen to the audiobook narrated by Joyce Bean this time around. While Bean is not a go-to narrator for me, she does a very good job with both the male and female voices. She delivers Brody's cranky one-liners with aplomb and prevents Reese from sounding too overwrought and whiny.

Brody is definitely a different type of hero for Nora. It was difficult to like him at first because of his abrasive personality, but he eventually grew on me precisely because of his straightforward no-nonsense manner. It is very clear that he truly cares about Reece, believes in her, and does not pity her, which is exactly what she needs.

Reese is a likable heroine as, despite her apparent emotional fragility, she is a strong and resilient survivor. The fact that she doesn't cave to the villain's decidedly malicious tricks is a testament to her strength of character.

As a re-read, the identity of the killer was not a mystery, but it was fun retracing Reese and Brody's journey and the last few chapters are intense and exciting. That said, the book is in dire need of an epilogue with the reactions of all of the other characters to the revelation of the truth.

Overall, an engaging read, and I particularly enjoyed the small-town vibe and supporting cast.
Profile Image for Jane Stewart.
2,462 reviews913 followers
March 14, 2017
3.5 stars. Enjoyable.

I read the physical book several years ago and thought it was good - 4 ½ stars. But I changed my mind when I recently listened to the audiobook. The middle dragged too much. Maybe because I knew the ending and who the bad guy was, but I was tired of Reese being oblivious to all the things being done to her by the bad guy - trying to make her lose her mind. Although she did some interesting things, too much time was spent with her being a helpless victim.

The story is about a talented woman chef who was the only survivor of a gunshot massacre. She moves away, is in the process of healing, and witnesses another murder. It’s a good murder mystery. The story also has an interesting romance developing between the chef and a writer who helps her. I enjoyed reading about these two characters. I also enjoyed a supporting character, Joanie, owner of the diner. There were some good lines. I'm extracting parts of them here briefly, but they are better within the context of the story. Page 211, after he said her eyes looked tired, she thought "He would always be brutally honest with her. Tough as it might be on the ego, it was better than platitudes and soft lies." Page 266 "a man puts his hands around a woman's throat once, he could do it again." Page 279 "what selfishness you have seems awfully healthy from where I stand."

Joyce Bean was fine, although her voice for men was a little weird.

Narrative mode: 3rd person. Swearing language: strong but rarely used. Sexual language: mild. Number of sex scenes: four. Setting: current day Wyoming. Copyright: 2006. Genre: romantic mystery.
Profile Image for Alaina.
6,587 reviews214 followers
July 17, 2022
It has been a while since I've read a Nora Roberts book. So, I figured that I should definitely jump into one this month. And by a while, I mean that the last time I read one of Nora's books was back in March of 2021. So, yeah, I was overdue for some Nora love.

In Angels Fall, you will meet Reese and Jamison. At first glance, I honestly didn't know what to think about them. She was okay but definitely annoyed me when she made horrible decisions. Constantly. He also rubbed me the wrong way and I'm not really sure I ever really liked him throughout the entire book.

It also didn't help that when she was struggling, he just kept doing everything wrong. For example, if she was maybe having a panic attack, he would do something dumb like say "calm down" or whatever. Honestly, whatever you think is a horrible decision to something he basically did it. On repeat.

As for their romance, eh, I didn't really get it. I still don't. Yeah, it was likable at times but then I would just end up frustrated. Wine was calling my name to help ease through the pain of it. The only thing that kept me growing was the possibility that they would become more likable. For example, I don't know... like Reese growing a god damn backbone. Which, yes, that eventually happened (thank you sweet baby Jesus).

In the end, I wanted more from the mystery and suspense. Definitely less on the romance. Not even sure why I gave this book 4 stars to begin with. Maybe wine me liked it a bit more than sober me. Either way, I'm too lazy to change the rating.
Profile Image for Kathleen.
1,370 reviews29 followers
August 13, 2016
3.75 stars. From the perspective of a murder mystery, the plot was fairly gripping, but the killer was a bit obvious, and remained my most constant suspect throughout the book, even though I considered others, since it seemed too obvious.

I felt for heroine Reece, and all the harrowing terror she had been through in Boston, and now murder and malice here in Angels Fall, Wyoming, at the foot of the Grand Tetons. My heart went out to her when the killer tried to drive her loco. Well done!

Romance? Well, I liked the couple, Reece and Brody, and how they rolled. No rainbows, hearts, or starry-eyed sparkles -- this romance is fairly unemotional -- but Brody the grouch grew on me. I liked how he slowly began to reveal his soft spot for Reece. I liked him for believing in her when few others would, and for being so protective.

Good secondary characters, especially Joanie, the restaurant owner.

Clever parallel between the heroine of the murder mystery Brody was writing and the actual heroine, Reece.

Good descriptions of the Tetons. I have been there, and Roberts' depictions brought all that grandeur, serenity, and majesty right back.

It needed a longer ending. I wanted to know how the townspeople reacted.

Audio narration by Joyce Bean was fine. Quite good.
Profile Image for Nicola O..
51 reviews12 followers
July 5, 2007
I'm a bit undecided about a 3 vs. 4 for this one. I have a certain devotion to Nora Roberts that some might find irrational, but generally I find her characters interesting & distinguishable, and their conflict/relationships satisfying. My 3.5 rating rationale would go something like this:

*Never saw the 'whodunit' coming-- that's good!--4 stars!
*Plot holes that would enable the culprit to do what was done-- uh, 3 stars.

In the end, I'm giving it 4 because I like NR. If you are picky about mystery plotting, you may find it frustrating. If you're in it for the characters, it's really good. I especially like the sort of grouchy Lou Grant voice of the hero.
Profile Image for Kris (My Novelesque Life).
4,666 reviews200 followers
June 7, 2016
4 stars - 2015

3.5 STARS - 2007

"Reece Gilmore has come a long way to see the stunning view below her. As the sole survivor of a brutal crime back East, she has been on the run, desperately fighting the nightmares and panic attacks that haunt her. Reece settles in Angel's Fist, Wyoming-temporarily, at least-and takes a job at a local diner. And now she's hiked this mountain all by herself. It was glorious, she thought, as she peered through her binoculars at the Snake River churning below.

Then Reece saw the man and woman on the opposite bank. Arguing. Fighting. And suddenly, the man was on top of the woman, his hands around her throat . . .

Enjoying a moment of solitude a bit farther down the trail is a gruff loner named Brody. But by the time Reece reaches him and brings him to the scene, the pair has vanished. When authorities comb the area where she saw the attack, they find nothing. No signs of struggle. No freshly turned earth. Not even a tire track.

And no one in Angel's Fist seems to believe her. After all, she's a newcomer in town, with a reputation for being jumpy and jittery-maybe even a little fragile. Maybe it's time to run again, to move on . . .

Reece Gilmore knows there's a killer in Angel's Fist, even if Brody, despite his seeming impatience and desire to keep her at arm's length, is the only one willing to believe her. When a series of menacing events makes it clear that someone wants her out of the way, Reece must put her trust in Brody-and herself-to find out if there is a killer in Angel's Fist before it's too late." (From Amazon)

I really enjoyed this novel. I was able to read this novel cover to cover in one sitting. I will read more of Roberts novels.
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