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Caleb Rooney #1


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В дните преди големия нюорлиънски карнавал Марди Гра детектив Кейлъб Руни е разследван за убийството на наркодилър, извършено по време на служба. Докато се бори с отправените към него обвинения, той се натъква на шокиращо разкритие: Ню Орлиънс е под заплахата на терористи.

Сега Руни е изправен пред най-трудната и отговорна задача в цялата си кариера и ще трябва да действа бързо, защото на карта е заложена съдбата на неговия любим град и на хиляди невинни животи.

400 pages, Paperback

First published February 18, 2019

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James Patterson

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JIMMY Patterson Books

James Patterson is the most popular storyteller of our time. He is the creator of unforgettable characters and series, including Alex Cross, the Women’s Murder Club, Jane Smith, and Maximum Ride, and of breathtaking true stories about the Kennedys, John Lennon, and Tiger Woods, as well as our military heroes, police officers, and ER nurses. Patterson has coauthored #1 bestselling novels with Bill Clinton and Dolly Parton, and collaborated most recently with Michael Crichton on the blockbuster Eruption. He has told the story of his own life in James Patterson by James Patterson and received an Edgar Award, ten Emmy Awards, the Literarian Award from the National Book Foundation, and the National Humanities Medal.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,313 reviews
Profile Image for Amber.
201 reviews6 followers
March 4, 2019
I found this one to be a better salespitch for New Orleans and it's food than a thriller. I found that I kept getting pissed off at the main character a loooot. Such as (spoilers)
1 - You're not a cop anymore, you can't do cop stuff. Of course people shouldn't cooperate with you, you have no authority. Your risks and actions are stupid. You deserve to be beat up.
2 - Why are you being given the job of 'saving' New Orleans? Is every other federal agent and cop an idiot...apparently.
3 - SHE'S MARRIED. Stop pursuing her you scumbag. Don't care that you later figure it out. Gross
4 - I am not a cop. But from what I know of being a cop, it is a fairly demanding and full-time job where downtime is at a premium. So how do you have time to balance being a very high end detective (Major Crimes) and being half-owner/main chef for a booming food truck.

Rant complete
Profile Image for Matt.
4,062 reviews12.9k followers
March 7, 2019
Expanding on their successful BookShot in the same series, James Patterson and Max DiLallo return to New Orleans and the delicious antics of Caleb Rooney. When he is not operating his high-end food truck alongside his ex-wife, Caleb Rooney is working hard for the NOPD. At least he was until he was stripped of his badge after an excessive force complaint. Focussing all his time on the food business, Caleb is still forced to keep a lookout for those who may hold a grudge. When he learns that the FBI’s in town, following up on chatter about a potential terrorist attack, Caleb is sought out by his former chief to work off the radar to help protect the city. The plan appears to be tied to an attack at Mardi Gras, when the city comes to life and the casualty count can be highest. As he begins to investigate, Caleb finds some interesting threads the Feds have overlooked. He’s also been targeted a few times by attacks, in hopes of tossing him off the trail. Undeterred, Caleb works to help foil the plan, but finds that every suspect leads to a dead end. During the investigation, Caleb’s attention is caught by a local competitor’s wife. He knows the dangers, but Caleb find himself unable to resist, which only adds a larger target to his own back. It is only when the Feds discover what has been going on that the trouble really begins, forcing Caleb to choose between his civilian limits and protecting the city he loves. In a powerhouse novel that is just as good as its prequel BookShot, Patterson and DiLallo prove that they are a wonderful team. Recommended to those who enjoy thrillers with a delectable twist—and not of lemon—this is a story not to be dismissed.

I took a gamble on this latest Patterson novel, hoping that it would follow in the footsteps of its prequel. Not only was the writing of a high caliber, but I could not get enough of all the delicious dishes whose mention pepper the narrative. Caleb Rooney is as sharp as the knives used to make his various creations. Able to think on his feet and concoct dishes and plans of attack on his feet, the reader will soon discover that he is a complex and relatable character in equal measure. Like many civilian protagonists in this genre, it is curiosity and gumption that fuels his personal fire and keeps him from letting go, even in the face of adversity. Surrounded by interesting supporting characters, the story develops at a quick pace but never loses its momentum. With great discussion of the setting (New Orleans at Mardi Gras) and great sounding dishes, the story has many points of interest to keep the reader interested. With a mix of short and longer chapters, the story pulls the reader in and offers much throughout its development. I can only hope that Patterson and DiLallo take note of the wonderful writing they have done and help create a series out of this, which may help the former author churn out better novels, rather than the sausage factory of unknown quality that sells simply because of the JP emblazoned across the cover.

Kudos, Messrs. Patterson and DiLallo, for this great piece of work. I can only hope you see a winner, which is sure to garner the literary equivalent to mass publication Michelin stars.

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Profile Image for Kay ☘*¨.
2,175 reviews1,088 followers
February 20, 2019
DNF : 68%
This is a review of audio book version, I didn't like this book, didn't enjoy it at all. I wasted close to 7 hours listening to this. Maybe interactive FB messenger was good, not this.
Profile Image for Val.
125 reviews
February 22, 2019
This stand-alone should go stand alone... in the bad book corner.

Profile Image for Gerri.
662 reviews8 followers
March 23, 2019
Do they have therapy for readers who constantly go back to authors who continue to disappoint them????? If so, I sure need one. Like Liar, Liar I cannot find much to like about this book. The story line was drawn out far too long and first quarter of the book was sooooo slow. That should have told me to put it down and move on to something with some substance. The main character was, in my opinion, an ego-maniac, former super cop turned chef who really got on my nerves with his super-hero attitude. Many of his interactions with law enforcement, especially the FBI were beyond ludicrous. I sure can’t recommend this book but if you’re a hardened Patterson fan you’ll probably love it.
Profile Image for Kathryn.
427 reviews15 followers
December 28, 2020
I did not enjoy this book. The second star I gave for myself just for finishing it. I think this style of story through Facebook Messenger is an interesting idea, but it was the telling of it that I didn’t like. The writing seemed amateur and there were many plot holes that didn’t get filled. Nothing flowed well and it just didn’t grab me. I also didn’t care for the actor in the videos, not a good choice. One of the problems with this type of telling is it may clash with what my mind has conjured up. That’s the fun part of reading a book for me, picturing the characters the way I want to. I can’t recommmend this book because it just wasn’t very good. Better luck with the next one.
Profile Image for Benjamin Uke.
373 reviews41 followers
March 31, 2024
Okay, so we have New Orleans, food, and murder, three things I enjoy very much.

The book revolves around Caleb Rooney. When he is not operating his high-end food truck alongside his ex-wife, Caleb Rooney is working hard for the NOPD, until he lost his badge for an excessive force complaint. He is informed of a highly chanced plan to bomb New Orleans, which HE ALONE can stop.


Side-note: noticing a pattern here:
Only he can save New Orleans from a terrorist attack. The FBI are clueless while his fellow NOPD are incompetent... Also the "so you're married, I'm going to sleep with you because I'm so wonderful and brilliant that you'll instantly forget your husband".
So, the main character is fantastically competent at everything but is held back by the stupidity of everyone else who are only intelligent if they followed him... And all women are attracted to him.

Is... Is this what the inner world of a pathological narcissist feels like?
Am I crazy?
This book would be saved if every other chapter showed the main character from an outside perspective: a chittering oakley bespoked lunatic scurrying around New Orleans thinking he's saving the world. The authorities only staring on, sadly shaking their heads, he was a swell guy before the brain-clot.
Profile Image for Cooper.
557 reviews11 followers
April 8, 2019
Really disappointed, not only in the poor writing but also the author's ask that the reader suspend all disbelief. I could only make it to page 110 before I just couldn't take it anymore.

Usually I can rely on a James Patterson book to provide entertainment for my flight or relaxing pool side. But this one, all I could give it was an hour before I was so irritated by the characters and the writing that I had to put it down.

Where to start. First, this reads more like an ode to New Orleans and a how to cook. "Our appetizer is a pan-fried creole-shrimp egg roll, the perfect mix of crunch and zesty. Our first course is grilled crawfish, with a tangy ginger glaze laced with smoky-spicy Szechuan peppercorns. Next comes a Thai curry crab étouffée, a rich, fragrant stew served over a bed of jasmine rice. Finally, it's time for dessert: warm, gooey bread pudding drenched in sweet sake and topped with a scoop of green tea ice cream" (p.45). The food is described more than the investigation!

Second, Caleb Rooney is a hot-shot detective with the major crimes division but he has "spare time" to work a food truck??? Me thinks Mr. Rooney isn't a great detective.

Third, for being an 11-year veteran on the force, his post NOPD actions seem more like Barney Fife than Jack Reacher. He's really quite clueless, rash, and oblivious.

Fourth, the whole "I don't care that you're married, I'm going to sleep with you because I'm so wonderful and brilliant that you'll instantly forget your husband". The way he chased after a married woman was just so slimy.

And finally, the cherry on top was the fact that somehow, only he can save New Orleans from a terrorist attack. The FBI are clueless while his fellow NOPD are incompetent. Really?? Everyone else is too stupid to do what they've been trained for?

As I said, really disappointed. This is the first James Patterson book (either he's written or with a ghost writer) that I couldn't finish. I do have to give kudos to the author though, I've started writing my own book, because Lord it couldn't be worse than this.
310 reviews1 follower
February 21, 2019

I don't know why I keep buying these. Every time I say to myself, this one will be better.But they never are. He's lost it. I think he's stopped trying. He'll put his name on anything. Stand alone book that part's right. I can't imagine a series of this ego-maniac. Supercop, Killer Chief, homewrecker.
Profile Image for Adrienne.
518 reviews124 followers
August 31, 2019
I loved the humour of the main character in this book- Detective Caleb Rooney. Who soon becomes ex-detective Rooney. But he is also a top chef who operates out of a food truck with his ex-wife. His chef life is soon his main life.
Rooney loves his native New Orleans- passionately. When he informed of a highly chanced plan to bomb New Orleans. He knows he must solve it. The FBI have directed the local police to stay out of the way. Which indirectly means Rooney also.
In my opinion, the plot and FBI behaviour stretched abit at times, some characters were a bit one dimensional - but a good holiday read.
Profile Image for Jimmy Aboussie.
4 reviews3 followers
February 27, 2019
In my opinion: No. 15% action, 85% love stuff with a married woman. Patterson handed this one off because it is not in the style he writes and the book is just not a page turner as his usually are. Disappointed. BUT that is my opinion. Read for yourself and I’ll be curious as to what you think of it.
Profile Image for Stacey.
945 reviews158 followers
June 9, 2020
Caleb Rooney works for the New Orleans PD. He was recently stripped of his badge because of a complaint of excessive force. It doesn't matter because once a cop always a cop, right? Right! Now that he has some down time, he spends more time working at his higher end food truck. He operates his food truck with his ex-wife and the love/hate dynamics between these two is worth the time, plus descriptions of good southern food. Trouble comes his way and he kicks into cop mode. A recurring character from another series makes an appearance, much to my delight. This was a typical JP read, fun, fast, and entertaining!
Profile Image for Megan (ReadingRover).
1,643 reviews43 followers
June 5, 2019
I’m a big Patterson fan but this was just not for me. It was actually pretty ridiculous. The whole story was overdone. Everything that the main character did was unbelievable for a police procedural, mystery novel. It was highly unrealistic. It wasn’t even a bad boy, cop going rogue it was a good cop just doing outrageously illegal, unsafe things and totally getting away with it. Plus, this is all going on in the middle of an FBI terrorist investigation. He’s no Alex Cross either. He’s just a supposedly stand up cop who has been knocked down a few pegs because of the brass wanting to make an example out of him after he shoots a suspect. Instead of just rolling with the punches he resigns to run his food truck full time. But....literally the minute he leaves the station there is something around every corner that makes him wish he was still a cop. By the next day even his boos is asking him to look into a possible upcoming terrorist attack. It’s unreal! Also, he works with his ex wife and is a total womanizer. He gets a business proposal from a guy to open a restaurant and the first thing he does is hit on the guy’s wife. Her story is absolutely crazy and it works out way to neatly in the MC’s favor. He’s supposed to be a carefree likable guy but he just comes off as an arrogant jerk. I wasn’t into him. He just annoyed me. The whole thing was so far fetched. It was laughable, only it wasn’t funny. Maybe if there was some comic relief it would have been better.
I had a feeling going into this that it wasn’t going to be a series I was into but I thought it would be ok. Now I think I’ll actually be ok with just giving up on it after this book. Oh well. At least I tried.
Profile Image for Suzzie.
924 reviews165 followers
April 5, 2019
Highly entertaining story about a chef/detective as he gets fully caught up in a terrorist scenario in New Orleans. I actually found Caleb and the plot intriguing with a nice flow to the story. Not sure if this is going to be a series or standalone but I would continue it if it does become a series.

My quick and simple: entertaining with a great pace.
Profile Image for Bridget.
1,282 reviews85 followers
April 29, 2019
The list of reasons this book is rubbish would use up the entire 19931 characters I have left to review it. Suffice to say, it is sexist, full of racial stereotypes, unbelievable - but you know sometimes that doesn't really matter, like in a Lee Child book. I bought it for school, I don't think the young men I work with deserve this rubbish!
Profile Image for L.A. Starks.
Author 10 books705 followers
April 18, 2020
James Patterson & Max DiLallo

This breezy book pays homage to New Orleans' food culture while delivering an engrossing story of a Mardi Gras terrorist plot. Killer Chef's food truck gives him an excuse to go into every New Orleans neighborhood.

I would have ranked this higher but was put off by the cliche-heavy first-draft short-chapter style. I spent four years in New Orleans and have visited it often since--it is indeed the seductively right place to set any novel.

While I appreciate that the protag had to investigate to move the plot forward, it didn't make "work sense" that he kept abandoning his food truck to his partner to chase clues.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Tina Loves To Read.
2,765 reviews1 follower
August 14, 2022
This is a Mystery, and this is the first book in the Caleb Rooney series. I really loved the characters in this book. I have to say I loved the food truck parts, and I think the food truck parts give a chance to break up the mystery parts which was needed. I did enjoy the mystery as well. I listen to the audiobook, and I liked the audiobook.
Profile Image for Cleo Baker-Roberts.
251 reviews1 follower
March 10, 2019
I barely made it through this one and it left me wondering if I can blindly trust every book with the "James Patterson" name on it! Seriously!

The first-person narrative can be used masterfully; however, in this volume it is merely tiresome. How many times can you, as a Reader, put up with reading every little nuance of "self-talk" in the main character's head? Lemme tell ya, these pages held "I," "I," "I" about a million too many times as the main character, New Orleans Police Detective/Chef Caleb Rooney talks himself and the Reader through every agonizing step of his super-hero antics as he seems to be THE answer to saving New Orleans, the Mardi Gras and humanity from sure destruction. He's also not a rocket scientist ~ not even close ~ and the dialogue seems to come from a novice writer. This wouldn't be a problem if the book didn't bear a $28.00 price tag! Geesch!

I made myself finish this one, hoping (as a long-time Patterson fan) there would be some wisp of salvation to all the ink on the pages ~ in my opinion, NOT!

So, I think the morale of this review is, "Don't trust everything a famous person ~ regardless of who it is ~ has put their name on because sometimes you have to wonder if the Big Guy even bothered to personally read the manuscript!" (Sorry, Mr. Patterson, but this was indeed a real disappointment!)
Profile Image for Aparna.
139 reviews7 followers
March 24, 2019
Its the worst book I have ever read by James Patterson and I really enjoy his books. It was the crappiest book ever , so slow and I had to really try hard to finish it. Will not be reading a Patterson book for a long long time!
Profile Image for Aya.
824 reviews1,080 followers
February 20, 2023
The reason I picked up this book because I needed a book that mentioned Mardi Gras for a challenge that I'm doing. The Chef popped up while I was searching so I decided to give it a shot.

Well, I guess I should have chosen some other book. The Chef was full of delicious food and that was pretty much it. I have a soft spot for New Orleans but I didn't get any from the book.

The cooking was fun but the detective work was lame. I didn't even want to mention the relationship between Caleb and Vanessa. Overall, this book wasn't what I hoped it would be.
Profile Image for Jaime.
207 reviews13 followers
November 10, 2019
Bravo! The Chef by James Patterson is a delicious mixture of crime, drama, intriguing plot, and unlikely business partnership with your ex-wife; all taking place in wonderful New Orleans at the peek of Mardi Gras.
Caleb Rooney rules! The moments with his ex are hilarious. And the methods he attained to prevent a terrorist event in the city that he loves are downright intriguing and dramatic. Not to mention his killer recipes and creole dishes got me savoring for a visit to New Orleans.
Profile Image for Laura  Wonderchick.
1,400 reviews157 followers
February 25, 2019
Very good! I’m hoping this is a whole new series that continues for quite awhile. It’s fresh and unique for JP.
Profile Image for Sharon :).
361 reviews32 followers
June 21, 2019
Love a good James Patterson novel!!! Highly recommend!
Profile Image for Sharon Huether.
1,586 reviews25 followers
March 13, 2019
A great story of a cop trying to clear his name in a murder in the line to duty.

He has a second job, which he really loves is cooking meals in a "food Coach"; New Orleans style.
He's a crowd pleaser with all the delectable sandwiches and dishes he prepares.

Meanwhile he has his eyes on the City, trying to stop the bad guys from a terrorist plot during the Mardi Gras activities.

I loved all the action.
357 reviews
August 3, 2019
Probably not the worst book I've ever read but pretty darn close. I realize James Patterson turns out 3 or 4 or more books a month and they can't all be winners but this one just didn't do it. Poor plot, badly woven. I really, really had to make myself keep reading it in the hopes it would get better. Alas, it did not.
Profile Image for Ella.
94 reviews43 followers
May 9, 2019
All this book accomplished was making sure I put New Orleans on my list of places to visit, and making me crave Cajun food. Apart from those two things however, the plot was a little insipid for my taste.
February 25, 2019
Drivel is the only word I can think of to describe the contrived, forced and silly premise of this story.
Profile Image for Kerri.
4 reviews2 followers
May 9, 2020
It was awful. The only reason I finished it was to see if it got better, it didn’t.
Profile Image for Ricki.
1,014 reviews11 followers
February 27, 2019
Big Patterson fan BUT -- got this from the library and in the midst of the good part of the book- there was a printing error! Page 250 to 267 in this edition was replaced by LIAR, LIAR. Thought I was hallucinating- turns out all the copies received by my library were faulty.

Will now need to wait until new copies come in to find out what occurred in the missing pages!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,313 reviews

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