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  • Synastry

    Ascendant in partners Houses🤍

    I thought I’d switch it up a bit a post something a little different to what I usually post! I hope you all enjoy this! Please note that this post is specifically referring to romantic synastry🤍

    Ascendant in Partners 1st House:

    With this overlay, there is a sense of like-mindedness between both people. The house person sees the ascendant person as someone they have a lot in common with. Perhaps they have similiar life experiences, or it could be that they approach the world in a similar way. These two people are often bonded by a sense of familiarity. Since, the 1st house is ruled by Aries, the Ascendant person can motivate the house person to achieve their goals or to seek independence. There’s a natural and effortless resonance between the two.

    Ascendant in Partners 2nd House:

    The house person is likely to view the ascendant person as being someone that they value. Since the 2nd house also governs over possessions, the house person is likely to feel quite possessive over the ascendant person. This is also a very physically affectionate placement, and thus the house person is likely to be physically drawn to the ascendant person. The 2nd house also governs finances. It is possible that the house person feels the need to spend money on the Ascendant person. Alternatively, it could just be that the ascendant person, has a profound impact on the house persons finances.

    Ascendant in partners 3rd House:

    This is often a very communicative placement. The Ascendant person stimulates the house persons mental and communicative desires. It is possible that the house person really enjoys speaking with the ascendant person, or perhaps they find their conversation easy and intellectually stimulating. The third house is also the house of siblings. Thus, the house person may feel a familial or sibling-like bond with the ascendant person. This isn’t necessarily the most ‘romantic’ placement. However, this is an amazing overlay for those who value communication in relationships, and learning from their partners. The house person may also want to embark on short-trips with the Ascendant person with this overlay. It is also possible that these two met in an educational setting or they may come from the same neighborhood/community.

    Ascendant in partners 4th house:

    To put it simply, the Ascendant person feels like ‘home’ to the house person. This can obviously be a good or a bad thing depending on the house persons childhood and their familial experiences. However, on a more positive note, there is a sense of familiarity and comfort that the ascendant person provides to the house person. It is also possible that these two may actually live together or share a home. Alternatively, the Ascendant person may encourage the house person to explore their roots (physical & emotional). The house person may even see the ascendant person as someone they can open up to emotionally. There’s a familial like bond here, and they may actually live together or have plans to live together with this overlay.

    Ascendant in partners 5th house:

    This is a very ‘fun’ and light-hearted overlay. The house person often sees the ascendant person as someone they can be creative with, or just simply have a good time with. These two likely met on a night out, or perhaps they met in an environment that values creativity or children. The ascendant person encourages the house person to explore their creativity and their ‘fun side’. This is also an overlay that indicates physical/sexual attraction. However, this attraction is more of a short-term. This overlay can indicate someone who you have a brief, but very enjoyable ‘fling’ with.

    Ascendant in partners 6th house:

    The ascendant person has a profound impact on the productivity of the house person. Perhaps the ascendant person helps the house person with their errands or pets. These two may even be ‘fitness’ or health & wellness buddies! Depending on the aspects, the ascendant person can increase or decrease the house persons productivity. It is also possible that these two are co-workers, or they met whilst they are at work. The house person may also want to find ways to make the ascendant persons life ‘easier’. This could be by driving them places, or relieving them from some of their daily tasks!

    Ascendant in partners 7th house:

    The 7th house is the house of partnerships, but it is also the house of open enemies. In this instance, the house person often sees the ascendant person as being the physical embodiment of what they seek in a long-term partner. The manner in which they ascendant person presents themselves, is very attractive to the house person, as they see the ascendant person as someone who they can commit to. However, if things turn left, the house person may quite literally view the ascendant person as their ‘open enemy’. This overlay is common in committed romantic relationships or well established business partnerships.

    Ascendant in partners 8th house:

    This is an overlay than can be intense for both parties. The house person sees the ascendant person as someone who has the potential to influence them on a very deep and profound level. It is possible that the house person finds the ascendant person to be very sexually attractive. It could also mean that the ascendant person introduces the house person to topics that involve psychology, transformation, the occult and matters pertaining to shared resources. The 8th house is a house that is characterized by extremes. Thus, the house person is inclined to view the ascendant person in manners that can be considered ‘extreme’ at times. They may research things together, or perhaps the ascendant person may conscious or unconsciously trigger the house persons shadow-side. In a sexual relationship, this is a very beneficial overlay to have, as the house person is likely to be very sexually attracted to the ascendant person.

    Ascendant in partners 9th house:

    The ascendant person expands the house persons horizons (literally and metaphorically speaking). It’s possible that the ascendant person challenges the house persons beliefs, and encourages them to consider different perspectives. They may have met whilst at college, or perhaps when travelling abroad. The house person learns a lot whilst they are with the ascendant person, and they may even place them on a pedestal. In most cases, the house person views the ascendant person in a positive light, and they may feel as if they learn a lot by being around them. Thus, the ascendant person opens the house person up to new ways of thinking & being. These two may travel long distances together.

    Ascendant in partners 10th house:

    With this overlay, the house person is likely to view the ascendant person as someone who has the potential to help them in their career, or someone who can be very beneficial when it comes to their reputation. This is the ultimate ‘trophy’ placement, as the house person will enjoy being seen out and about with the ascendant person. The ascendant person may come up with ways in which the house person can advance on their career path. The 10th house also represents “authority figures”. Thus, in rare instances the partner may actually be someone who was the house persons boss, or a senior in their workplace. Alternatively, this placement can sometimes indicate a significant age gap. But the most common manifestation is helping each other advance in a career context. Changes in reputation (the house persons) by association with the ascendant person is also a possible manifestation

    Ascendant in partners 11th House:

    This overlay is characterized by friendship and shared goals. The house person is likely to view the ascendant person as someone they have the potential to build a great friendship with. In a romantic context, the house person is likely to feel as if the ascendant person is their friend as much as they are their lover. They may have even met online or through mutual friends. Shared goals or the mutual desire to work on a project that benefits the masses is also a possibility. These two may engage in philanthropic work or community service together. This is a very beneficial placement when it comes to friendship and the house persons goals & dreams. The ascendant person, may open doors for the house person, or provide them with opportunities that get them closer to attaining their worldly ambitions.

    Ascendant in partners 12th house:

    The 12th house is a hidden house. However, it also represents spirituality, bed pleasures, and “hidden enemies”. Thus, the ascendant person is likely to introduce the house person to spirituality or the unseen realms. It is possible that these two may feel a spiritual or “otherworldly” connection to each other. The house person may feel very drawn to the ascendant person and not know why. In some instances, the house person may feel suspicious or mistrustful of the ascendant person. It could also mean they met in an environment that was secluded or in a ‘faraway land’. Since the 12th house governs ‘faraway lands’. In some instances, the ascendant person may even trigger the house persons ‘spiritual awakening’. The 12th house is a murky house, and thus interactions or the intentions between these two may be unclear at times. However, there is also the potential for a relationship that’s filled with compassion, grace, and understanding to develop.

  • 1 year ago on December 19, 2022 at 10:39 pm

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