Дайте рецепти на националните Коледни и Новогодишни традиционни специалитети

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привет, отварям тази тема не защото няма такава информация, а защото е хубаво да е съсредоточена на едно място. Нека който желае напише кои са традиционните Коледни и Новогодишни ястия, които се приготвят и да даде някоя рецепта. Аз живея в Гърция. Тук се приготвят т.наречените Меломакарона, Курабиедес и пуйка за Коледа, пълнена с кестени и плънка. За Нова година се прави Василопита - нещо като кейк и козунак с пара. Ако някой се интересува пускам и рецептите - много са вкусни сладките!!!!Да ви е вкусно и весели празници!!!


4 C.flour
1 Tsp.orange flavoring
1 c Oil
Rind of 1 orange
1 c Soft butter
1/2 ts Cinnamon
1/2 c Powdered sugar
1/2 ts Cloves
1 Jigger brandy
2 ts Baking powder
Bring to a boil to make syrup:
1 c Honey
1 c Sugar
1/2 c Water
chopped nuts

Combine all ingredients and work with hands until easy to handle. Make into small eggs; flatten on 1 side and bake 20 minutes at 350 degrees. Dip into hot syrup for a minute. Then sprinkle with nuts and let stand 24 hours.

This Greek cookie is also known as Almond Crescents.

1/2 cup ground almonds
1 cup unsalted butter, softened
1 egg yolk
2 tablespoons powdered sugar
1 tablespoon brandy
2 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
whole cloves
2 cups powdered sugar

Preheat oven to 350F. Spread almonds in a shallow pan and toast in oven for 6 to 8 minutes or until lightly browned. Decrease oven temperature to 325F. Let almonds cool completely.
In large bowl of an electric mixer, beat butter
until creamy. Add egg yolk and the 2 tablespoons
powdered sugar, mixing well. Stir in brandy and
almonds. In another bowl, stir together flour and
baking powder. Gradually add to butter mixture,
blending thoroughly. Pinch off dough in 1-inch balls and roll each into a 3-inch rope. Place ropes about 2 inches apart on ungreased cookie sheets. Shape into crescents. Put a whole clove in each cookie. Bake for 30 minutes or until lightly golden. Let cookies cool for 5 minutes. Sift about half the 2 cups powdered sugar over a sheet of waxed paper. Transfer the cookies to the waxed paper and then sift the rest of the powdered sugar on top of them, so that they are well covered with powdered sugar. Let stand until cool. Store airtight. Remove clove from cookie before eating it.

Vasilopita (St. Basil’s Cake)     

This is a delightful New Year’s custom. The Vasilopita contains a coin that is said to bring good luck for the year to the person who finds it in his piece. We serve the Vasilopita with champagne just after midnight at the dawn of the new year. The entire cake is cut into the number of pieces needed to serve each guest, and the cake is served in a particular order, from oldest to youngest.

1 cup butter            Preheat oven to 350º
2 cups sugar
3 eggs
1-1/2 cups milk
4 cups flour
6 tsp. baking powder
Grated rind of one orange
1 tsp. Vanilla
Powdered sugar to sprinkle on the top
Nickel wrapped in aluminum

Cream together the butter and sugar. Add eggs and beat for 2 minutes. Sift together the flour and baking powder. Add to butter mixture alternately with the milk. Add the orange rind and mix in well. Add the vanilla.

Pour into well-buttered 9” spring-form cake pan. Push coin into the batter. Bake in the center of the oven for 1 hour (or until golden brown and completely set in the center). Cool. Remove sides of pan. Sprinkle top with powdered sugar. Serves 10-14.

# 1
  • Мнения: X
аз пускам в готварския
линковете са в моята тема в "Любими рецепти"
мързи ме да ги поствам и тук
но ще ви чета

# 2
  • Мнения: 312
Готина тема,но късно я виждам  chef

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