Michael Jackson's Neverland - Once Upon a Time

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# 60
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Will.I.Am за Майкъл в интервю за сп. MЕTRO

http://metro.co.uk/2013/09/04/will-i-am-i-do-the-voice-to-be-in- … -the-bbc-3948378/

- Who have you learned the most from working with?
- Michael Jackson. I learned that if entertainment is your career, every second of your life is like being on stage. And humility. Every performance could be your last, so make sure you’re making the right decisions. It’s why he had such an excellent body of work. As big as he was, he wasn’t arrogant. He wasn’t rude.

- Did he change the way you approach your own work? No, but it guides how I deal with people who appreciate my work.
- There are people who have achieved an inch in their careers but they behave as if they created oxygen. And they separate themselves from people.

Michael Jackson didn’t do that – he had to be concerned for his safety but when he was around people, he acted as if he’d known them forever. He was always looking for connectivity in conversations. I see celebrities today and they’re totally the opposite.

# 61
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"The way you make me feel" Natalia Zaitseva Jeremy Barrett
Пускам си I Am A Loser, още не съм я добавила във фонотеката.

# 62
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----- little girls and little boys in wheelchairs being lifted onto rides by their parents or by Michael

https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=520793447999370&set= … ype=1&theater

"(Michael Jackson) really did build (Neverland) for kids; the children of the world...I have seen it first hand (when) Michael (had) kids there, you know, sick kids, Make a Wish kids. Neverland stood on its own two feet in terms of this is an amazing place but, on top of that, Michael gave his time and he would be out there giving the tour. He’d be driving the golf cart and telling jokes with the kids. He would be in the middle of the water balloon fight. He would be on the rides, you know, telling the operator to go faster...It’s one thing to build something and then say “Okay, everyone come enjoy it, I’m too busy," but it’s another thing to roll up your sleeves and be out there in the midst of it and, that’s really what I saw...I have four daughters...I can’t imagine the pain that a parent must feel when their child is sick and, there’s nothing that anybody can do about it...It’s easy for us to pull back and (say) “Yeah, that’s too bad there’s sick kids in the hospital (but) I’m going to be over here doing my thing”...Michael would go to those kids. (He) would open up his home and I would just be heartbroken. I mean, I would see little girls and little boys in wheelchairs being lifted onto rides by their parents or by Michael." Brad Sundberg

# 63
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  • Мнения: 331
"The way you make me feel" Natalia Zaitseva Jeremy Barrett
Пускам си I Am A Loser, още не съм я добавила във фонотеката.

Преятен танц,  Шошулчо   bouquet

# 64
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http://makerofdreams.com/making-the-dream/ The Making of MJ’s Neverland amusement park from design to construction and completion


Това е аудио на разговора/интервюто
Weekend of Love Continues with MJ's "Maker of Dreams" http://www.blogtalkradio.com/a-place-in-your-heart/2013/08/30/mi … of-love-continues  

а тук и в текст http://mjjjusticeproject.wordpress.com/2013/07/18/5742/

Аз разбрах, че става въпрос за книга, но не съм сигурна....

# 65
# 66
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Working Day And Night - The Jacksons Live in Toronto 1984


# 67
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не съм ги виждала май тези снимки

JANUARY 01: Singer Michael Jackson is photographed for Life Magazine in 1997 in his bedroom at Neverland Ranch in Santa Barbara, California. (Photo by Harry Benson/Contour by Getty Images)

SANTA BARBARA, CA - JANUARY 01: Singer Michael Jackson is photographed with the children of his staff for Life Magazine in 1993 in TeePee Village at Neverland Ranch in Santa Barbara, California. (Photo by Harry Benson/Contour by Getty Images)

Попаднах и на малко история за снимките и  добавих и тук ...

Последна редакция: ср, 18 сеп 2013, 16:37 от valya61

# 68
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Още една история, разказана от Brad Sundberg

In The Studio With Michael Jackson


I have a short story for you. One of the many projects Michael asked me to design for him at Neverland was the reptile barn. The barn was on the property when he purchased the ranch, but the builders turned it into a reptile showcase, like you might find at a nice zoo. You would walk into a long hallway, and on either side of you there were about eight or ten displays, ranging from about 5-10 feet wide, behind thick glass. Most of the displays housed snakes, although there were a few other reptiles. There were boas, pythons, cobras (my favorites), and rattlers.

 The rattlesnake cage was filled with snakes, and looked like rock formations you might find in Colorado. But there were two problems with the display: The snakes got very bored with visitors, and you couldn't hear their rattles through the thick glass. Michael and I discussed it and came up with a solution. I installed a microphone IN the cage, and put a speaker under the glass, at ankle level to the guests. Then, we had a curtain installed in front of the glass, so the snakes would not see humans until the time was right.

 We would have VIPs, kid's groups, charity organizations, etc., touring the ranch, amusement park and zoo. They would come into the snake barn, and at just the right time the curtain would open and the kids could see the snakes, and more importantly the snakes could see the kids. The snakes would rear-up, rattles shaking like crazy, and the speaker would amplify the sound of the rattles much louder than normal. Kids would scream, people would run, and Michael would double over laughing! He loved that prank, and was forever grateful for the idea and how it turned out.

 In The Studio With MJ seminar is coming to Paris on October 12! Come out and spend a day with me in the studio hearing music and stories from my many years with Michael. Bad, Dangerous, HIStory, Neverland - I was there, and I want to tell you about it.

 Hear things you have never heard, see things you have never seen, learn things you never know about my friend, client and boss - Michael Jackson. Tickets are still available.

# 69
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  • Мнения: 331

Последните фотосесии на Майкъл Джексън ще са предмет на нов завладяващ документален филм

http://www.contactmusic.com/story/documentary-chronicles-michael … toshoots_3870988#

Невиждани досега видеокадри от фотосесиите за L'Uomo Vogue и Ebony, интервюта със стилисти, фотографи, асистенти, както и с Рушка Бергман.

още за филма:

New documentary to showcase Michael Jackson’s final photo shoots!

http://www.damienshields.com/new-documentary-to-showcase-michael … nal-photo-shoots/

"What I loved the most about working with Michael Jackson is how kind he was to everyone,” recalls Cole. “He was gracious to the elevator operator, the guard and the executives in the museum. He made sure to thank each person who was in ear shot when the shoot was over. He was generous and kind. Did some people feel intimidated by him? I don’t know if that’s the right word. More, I think some people were mesmerized. Some were pinching themselves wondering if they actually were in the presence of the King of Pop.”

трейлър: http://www.michaelthelastphotoshoots.com/trailer.html

снимки: http://www.michaelthelastphotoshoots.com/photos.html

Последна редакция: чт, 19 сеп 2013, 10:02 от valya61

# 70
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ново видео от фотосесията



Последна редакция: пт, 20 сеп 2013, 16:25 от valya61

# 71
# 72
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Dr. Allan Metzger (left) with Michael Jackson dressed in costume and whiteface makeup for his "Ghosts" short film. Metzger testified they went to Baskin Robbins dressed like this and nobody recognized Michael.

# 73
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"It was early winter, along the ridge of the Santa Ynez hills. It was the first time we could touch the horses that were rescued from an abusive ranch. It was our foundraising efforts, and Michael’s anonymous generosity, that made it all possible. Michael touched one mare’s face, he began to weep, and he spoke in a law voice ‘You are safe now…safe.’ "  Robert Charles

# 74
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lMichael  Jackson Going To Red Cube in London UK RARE

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