Кумска реч

  • 15 122
  • 8
  •   1
  • Мнения: 33
Здравейте момичета, бих искала да помоля за помощ. Ще кумуваме и ми е необходима помощ за кумската реч. Някои може ли да помогне с предложения... Grinning Grinning Heart Eyes Heart Eyes

# 1
  • Мнения: 195

Ето една много забавна статия по въпроса.

# 2
  • Мнения: 4 418
Отвътре трябва ти идва, иначе не сте пълноценни кумчета.

# 3
  • Мнения: 1 844
Моят съвет е да не заучаваш нищо готово от интернет, да не пишеш дълги тиради, които да четеш и тн. Кажи нещо от сърце, весело, със смислена нотка и толкова.
Спомням си каква реч си беше подготвил нашият кум - два листа цитати и философсване, които изчете монотонно и търпеливо, е, разбира се, с леко припотено чело Simple Smile
Гостите ни почнаха да се прозяват. Simple Smile
Не влизай и ти в такава роля. Peace

# 4
  • Мнения: 4 841

Ето една много забавна статия по въпроса.

 ooooh! Такова колосално струпване на малоумен американски хумор не бях срещала отдавна, имах чувството, че чета сценарий на долнопробна "романтична" комедия...

Моля, не говорете такива неща по сватбите на приятелите си  Praynig И изобщо, пред никого...

# 5
  • Мнения: 7 002
Ахаха, нашият кум тая статия не я е чел.
Каза нещо подобно на "Аз съм XXXX. Пожелавам на М и Д много щастие в съвместния живот. Наздраве и горчиво"!  Laughing И се беше припотил 10 пъти за 30 секунди.  Simple Smile

# 6
  • Мнения: 9 421
Ахаха, нашият кум тая статия не я е чел.
Каза нещо подобно на "Аз съм XXXX. Пожелавам на М и Д много щастие в съвместния живот. Наздраве и горчиво"!  Laughing И се беше припотил 10 пъти за 30 секунди.  Simple Smile

нашият освен гореизброеното успя и да ни благодари, че сме го поканили за кум.  На мен ми хареса. 5 изречения, наздраве и продължаваме веселбата.

# 7
  • София
  • Мнения: 16 214
Преведи си и си съкрати ето това:
"A real relationship is more than just the dates, holding hands and kissing. It's about accepting each other's weirdness and flaws. It's about being yourself and finding happiness together. It's about seeing an imperfect person perfectly. A real relationship is about where two persons treat each other equally in the brain/mind and work together as a team for each other to be with each other growing up evolving together as a team/partnership!

No relationship is perfect and we won't always agree on everything, we made a vow to each other for better or for worst, we have had our bad days and we have had our good days, but through it all we have had each other.

Relationship is a big word and can be both very complicated and simple depending upon people, their choices, their, emotions, their luck and the circumstances! It needs to nurtured, developed, evolved, taken care of and maintained over a long period of time! It needs love, care, respect & trust – the 4 most important ingredients, if one goes missing, it fails! For being a couple 2 must have chemistry & compatibility! Relationships aren't easy, they take hard work from both people, equal amount of giving and taking, respect and compromise.

For a relationship to work over time, it takes more than just finding the right person — it's also a matter of being the right person. And while relationshipshave a lot to do with the connection between two people, it takes work from both parties to strengthen this connection and keep it alive.

As far as what's more important, compatibility or fun, both elements are necessary for a healthy, fulfilling relationship, and their level of importance varies with different types and stages of relationships. Compatibility can encompass a variety of things including similar interests and phases in life, whether or not both people want the same level of commitment in the relationship, and most importantly, whether there is a willingness to accept each other's differences and pursue the relationship anyway. Fun and passion are often more prominent in (though certainly not exclusive to) the earlier stages of getting to know someone, and compatibility and dependability often become increasingly important as the relationship becomes more serious There is no set pattern that determines the types of relationships people choose throughout their lifetime. For example, a young adult may want the fun and excitement of dating without the responsibility that comes with a long-term relationship, and an older individual may seek companionship and someone with whom they can settle down, or the situations can be reversed. Types of relationships and the reasons individuals choose them are as varied as the individuals themselves. But a lastingrelationship requires a balance of fun, dependability, passion, and compatibility, among a number of other factors. What gets thrown into the mix that makes up a relationship depends on the people involved, their values, and their choices.

The best relationships take the longest to work out. If you love them enough you will try anything and everything to keep them in your life.

Marriage is Like a Box! Most people get married believing a myth that marriage is a beautiful box full of all the things they have longed for: companionship, intimacy, friendship, etc. The truth is that marriage at the start is an empty box. You must put something in before you can take anything out. There is no love in marriage. Love is in people. And people put love in marriage. There is no romance in marriage. You have to infuse it into your marriage. A couple must learn the art and form the habit of giving, loving, serving, praising keeping the box full. If you take out more than you put in, the box will be empty. The most important ingredient in marriageis love. However, not just passionate, emotional feelings of love, but the commitment and covenant of love derived through actions. In marriage a husband and wife will go through droughts where they don’t necessarily have passionate love for one another. They may not feel the same way they did when they were dating or in the beginning of their marriage. Yet, because marriage is a covenant, husbands and wives are bound to each other by law through their vows, preventing any easy escape to search for those feelings with someone else. If a husband or wife chooses to love each other, despite a lack of feelings, they will see that love will grow."

# 8
  • Beyond the stars
  • Мнения: 7 877
И моят съвет - за нищо на света не вземайте готови клишета от интернет  Peace
Като чуя разни неща за трънливия път, съвместния полет и прочие бози..направо..  Crazy
Ние ще кумуваме и както на прима виста им направих сватбения сайт, така мисля да напиша и нещо за речта ..като ми дойде музата  Mr. Green Mr. Green Ама нещо за тях си - кратичко, искрено и лично.
Освен това ще си делим речта с половинЪТ  Sunglasses

Ето нещо полезно http://nmitev.com/blog/%D1%80%D0%B5%D1%87-%D0%BD%D0%B0-%D0%BA%D1%83%D0%BC%D0%B0/
И http://nmitev.com/blog/%D0%BA%D1%83%D0%BC%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B0%D1%8 … 0%BC%D1%8F%D1%85/  Wink

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